Practice Info

Pro­fes­sion­al Fees:  I will dis­cuss with you in advance my fees and any antic­i­pat­ed fee increase.

Pay­ment Meth­ods:  All pay­ments are due at the begin­ning of each ses­sion.  Pay­ments are made by check or cash only.  Sor­ry, no cred­it card ser­vice. 
No month­ly “super bills.”

Can­cel­la­tion Pol­i­cy:  Your ses­sions are reserved for you alone.  I have a 48-hour can­cel­la­tion pol­i­cy and will charge for missed ses­sions.  The excep­tion is in cas­es of emer­gency or illness.

Insur­ance Reim­burse­ment:  I do not accept insur­ance for the Gottman Method Cou­ples Ther­a­py.   Indi­vid­ual Psy­chother­a­py ser­vices may be reim­bursable by some plans.

Length of Ses­sions:  Indi­vid­ual Ther­a­py ses­sions are 50 min­utes to 80 min­utes, depend­ing on your needs.  Clients typ­i­cal­ly come once a week, but may attend more fre­quent­ly or less fre­quent­ly, as the need aris­es.  Meet­ing times and length of ses­sions are dis­cussed in advance.

Emer­gen­cies:  I can­not be reached imme­di­ate­ly.  If you are in cri­sis, call 911 or the Com­mu­ni­ty Cri­sis Hot Lines in the coun­ty where you live.

HIPAA:  This office is com­pli­ant with all HIPAA laws.  You will receive a writ­ten notice of all pri­va­cy prac­tices of this office, describ­ing your rights con­cern­ing your health infor­ma­tion.   You will be asked to sign and date it at the time of the first session.