“My mission is to create Inner Peace, one person at a time.”
Dr. Gwendolyn Evans
“My mission is to create Inner Peace, one person at a time.”
Dr. Gwendolyn Evans
My mission is to create Inner Peace one person at a time, one couple at a time. We all say we want world peace. But how can we even imagine it if most of us do not experience sustained inner peace on a daily basis?
We all have “little wars” within our relationships, be they with family, friends, co-workers or strangers. The first place that world peace begins is within each of us. And then we manifest it in our environments and pass it on.
It is important that you understand that I work from a psychological and spiritual perspective. Whether you have a religious preference, or you don’t, whether you believe in a Supreme Being, or you don’t, does not matter. I do not focus on any particular religion. Nor do I focus on any particular perceived “mental disorder.” I focus on your spirit. Our work is about removing the fears that hide the loving spirit inside of you. I have learned from personal experience and from professional observations of hundreds of clients over 20 years, that those who ‘heal’ are open to their spirit and who believe that we are more than just a body with an ego-mind encapsulated it in.
If a psychospiritual orientation appeals to you, then with just a little willingness, many traditional therapy techniques and tools will also strengthen you. What you seek is already inside you. How you block the flow of Universal Love from within you is the focus of different therapeutic approaches. But first, you must be willing to accept that there is a source of Love within yourself that nothing and no one from outside of yourself can give you. In true love, you seek to share what is already within you, not seeking someone to make you feel whole.