“Change is the very nature of Life.”

Michael Singer

“Change is the very nature of Life.”

Michael Singer


Our deep­est fear is not that we are inad­e­quate.  Our deep­est fear is that we are pow­er­ful beyond mea­sure.  It is our light, not our dark­ness that fright­ens us most.  We ask our­selves, ‘Who am I to be bril­liant, gor­geous, tal­ent­ed, and famous?’  Actu­al­ly, who are you not to be?  Your play­ing small does not serve the world.”

Nelson Mandela

When Life hurts too much…Choose Again!

Do you find your­self ask­ing, “Why do I keep attract­ing the same kinds of peo­ple who hurt or dis­ap­point me?”  “Am I always going to be wor­ried? Anx­ious? Depressed? Afraid? Lone­ly? Dis­trust­ful? Nev­er hap­py?”  “Why do I procrastinate?”

Some­times, it real­ly is about you, the way you talk to your­self about what hap­pens to you.  In indi­vid­ual ther­a­py, you and I form a col­lab­o­ra­tive alliance to exam­ine your self-talk and behaviors.

You don’t have to feel like a vic­tim of life’s stress­ful events.  You can use your heart and mind to man­age your respons­es to stres­sors.  You can also learn to for­give your­self and oth­ers, and let go of thoughts that do not serve your High­est Good.

In rela­tion­ships, do you some­times feel attacked, aban­doned, or enslaved to the needs and demands of oth­ers?  Rela­tion­ships (all of them) are your best vehi­cles for poten­tial­ly awak­en­ing your Best Self.  Rela­tion­ships pro­vide you with oppor­tu­ni­ties to exam­ine the true cause and effect of your pain or happiness.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Your clue to the cause and effect of your inner pain is your moment-to-moment emo­tion­al state. In indi­vid­ual ther­a­py, I assist you to devel­op your emo­tion­al intel­li­gence.  Accord­ing to Dr. Daniel Gole­man, author of the best­seller Emo­tion­al Intel­li­gence, emo­tions are an impor­tant barom­e­ter of the qual­i­ty of your life.  When cor­rect­ly inter­pret­ed and the under­ly­ing needs iden­ti­fied, your emo­tions become a road map to Inner Peace.

When you deny, ignore, mis­per­ceive or overuse cer­tain emo­tions, you cause a Mind-Body dis­con­nect.  This emo­tion­al dis­tress takes its toll on your body, even some­times cre­at­ing phys­i­cal ill­ness­es.  Insom­nia, fatigue and oth­er phys­i­o­log­i­cal symp­toms are also signs of being dispir­it­ed and not tak­ing care of your self.

You can devel­op the skill to be aware of your con­stant­ly shift­ing emo­tions.  You can mas­ter relat­ed skills of self-moti­va­tion, influ­ence in rela­tion­ships, and effec­tive con­flict management.

If you want to learn key emo­tion man­age­ment skills, I can show you how to:

  • soothe your­self when you are upset.
  • calm your heart rate.
  • moti­vate your­self emotionally.
  • cope with life’s ups and downs.
  • con­trol impuls­es and delay gratification.

In short, I coach you to become emo­tion­al­ly intel­li­gent in the ser­vice of your Best Self.

Will emotional intelligence benefit you?

If you have had enough of psy­cho­log­i­cal pain, it’s time to look inside your­self.  I can pro­vide a trust­ing and col­lab­o­ra­tive envi­ron­ment where you can regain hope and solve some prob­lems.  You are the expert about your life.  I am a con­sul­tant who can help you observe pat­terns, explore mean­ings and find answers.  I am empath­ic and interactive.

As all musi­cians know, when a note is struck on an open piano string, oth­er strings begin to vibrate in over­tones of har­mon­ic res­o­nance.  I believe that the physics of sym­pa­thet­ic vibra­tion goes beyond music.  “Emo­tions” and “empa­thy” are the human equiv­a­lents of these over­tones.  When you share your inner world with me, togeth­er we strike a heal­ing chord.  If what I have said about per­son­al change and Inner Peace res­onates with you, call me to explore cre­at­ing a more har­mo­nious inner life.

You don’t have to struggle alone. Call me:
